Versions (2011-08-08) (Downloaded 57 times)


  • Advanced - Inline Style Mover (item-action) - v. 1.1b

Compatible: Pro 4 and Pro 5 (2010-12-06) (Downloaded 2 times)


  • Advanced - Inline Style Mover (item-action) - v. 1.0b

Compatible: Pro 4 and Pro 5

Author: max fancourt

developer cms template javascript css commercial softpress server prototype content management open-source background image inline

The general description of what this actions does is…

  1. it removes the div id if that function is chosen
  2. you can reapply a new div id or class name in its place
  3. if you don’t choose a name it will choose one for you
  4. you can then add extra classes to that div if you wish
  5. move the inline style back into the head again if you want
  6. sniff out any secondary tag like the image tag (img)
  7. add extra classes to that img tag and move any inline styles again back into the head
  8. finally it works with Tim plumbs externalise action so if that action is used then those head style will be moved to an external style sheet.

For a full idea of the thinking behind this action please have a read of the project description which can be seen here:

Oh one more thing the idea about being able to use classes and drop the id and or inline style when necessary is that when appropriate you can remove duplicate styles… an example of this is in the image tag and freeway will automatically create an inline style with a float:left

Now you could have 100 images on that page. 1 image could have a class rather than div id and that 1 images creates the style, places the style in the HEAD and references it with a class.. and all the other 99 images just have the same class reference and use that 1 style.

All the best max


Wow Max, great functions! Super action. Thanks!


The link in the description leads to a missing page. Please fix.

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