Versions (2015-07-19) (Downloaded 54 times)


  • County List (action) - v. 1.2

Compatible: Pro 5.5, Pro 6, and Pro 7

County_List.fwaction (2015-06-21) (Downloaded 19 times)


  • County List (action) - v. 1.1

Compatible: Pro 5.5, Pro 6, and Pro 7

County List (2015-06-21) (Downloaded 7 times)


Compatible: Pro 6

County List (2015-06-21) (Downloaded 2 times)


Compatible: Pro 5.5, Pro 6, and Pro 7 (2008-12-28) (Downloaded 1 time)


  • County List (action) - v. 1.1

Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, Pro 5.5, Pro 6, and Pro 7 (2008-12-27) (Downloaded 1 time)


  • County List (action) - v. 1.0

Compatible: Pro 5

Author: David McCallum

form picker

UK County form picker list



This is really great. Have a look at the optgroup element for a way to organize the counties by country. This will also make it impossible for someone to select WALES if you don't want them to.

Thanks for that Walter - I will do but I have to admit I only really got this far by simple substitution.

The action has been revised with Walter's help to make the Country subheading non-selectable. I have also removed the additional Welsh names to keep the selector a reasonable length. You may of course edit these back in if you so wish.

Is this really compatible with v.6?

The icon isn't a FW Gear.

Checked it. Yes, it is v.6 comp.

The icon is not relevant to its compatibility.You can change the icon.

>It looks like this list is missing any options for London (both Greater or City)

Sure - but there are also no entries for City of Glasgow, Edinburgh etc which are classed as Special Post Towns. And for that reason they have been omitted.

If a user wants to add anything to the lists it is easily edited to suit their needs.

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