
ScrollMe.fwaction (2018-03-06) (Downloaded 82 times)


  • ScrollMe - ScrollMe (item-action) - v. 1.0
  • ScrollMe - AnimateMe (item-action) - v. 1.0

Compatible: Pro 7

Author: Ian Webb

javascript jquery scroll animate

This action makes it easy to incorporate the ScrollMe jQuery library:

ScrollMe uses data attributes to set up the animations, which is very time-consuming using the Extend dialogue box.

Download jQuery and ScrollMe and attach them using the External Javascript page action.

Use the ScrollMe action on containers and AnimateMe on items to animate. For items that need both scroll and animate, use the AnimateMe action, and turn on Scroll Me.

—– EDIT —–

It looks like there’s a compatibility issue with jQuery 3. You can download jQuery v1 or v2 from the jQuery CDN page (right-click and select ‘Download linked file’ to download locally).


Do u have some example file ? please !!

Hi Jorge!

Sure. Here's a simple example:

there is a way to only do it once? when scrolling just run once

It doesn't look like it.

BTW, I didn't write the library, just the action that makes it easier to use in Freeway. You could try contacting the library author here.

Hi Ricardo!

The sample file will have all the actions included in it, so you may not have installed ScrollMe in your copy of Freeway.

Create a new document, sketch an HTML item, select it and go to Item -> Actions and see if the ScollMe actions are listed.

If they're not there, but they are when you open the sample file, then you need to download the action from the top of this page and install it in Freeway.

If they are shown in your new document, then you should be able to select them and set the parameters in the Actions palette.

Cheers, Ian.

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