
Coppéla (2010-08-04) (Downloaded 28 times)


  • Coppélia () - v. 1.5.5

Compatible: Pro 5, Pro 5.5, and Pro 6

Coppéla (2008-10-22) (Downloaded 0 times)


Compatible: Pro 4

Coppéla (2008-10-22) (Downloaded 0 times)


Compatible: Pro 5

Author: Paul Dunning

animation movement layer move layers

Coppélia gives you unprecedented control in Freeway created sites. At it’s simplest, it’s a much simpler way of moving an object on a page. However, add target chains to the mix, and you have a control system that can make your pages move, dance and sing (in a non-audio kind of way).

You can build animated pages, presentations, cartoons and much more simply by drawing out an image map path, creating a leyered item and applying the Coppélia Action.

This Action allows you to create highly interactive and engaging Web pages. If you want to move an object from one point on a page to another, then this is the Action for you. If you want that object to trigger target chains, the this Action should be in your Actions Folder right now.


$40.00 Purchase

1 Comment

Nice but it is not free. It should be part of freeway

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