Add code to your page and see a live preview in Freeway. This works in the same way as the Insert Markup Item feature in Freeway but attempts to render the code inserted in a live preview.
150 downloads, 1 comment.
If you are creating an external style sheet using CSSEdit or another stylesheet editor, you might become impatient with Freeway’s lack of classnames and weak support for IDs within its interface. The Extended dialog can help you add these, but it’s torturous to use. This action will allow you to apply a classname and/or an ID to nearly any element of a Freeway page.
115 downloads, 3 comments.
The general description of what this actions does is…
59 downloads, 3 comments.
developer cms template javascript css commercial softpress server prototype content management open-source background image inline
Create a linked list of files from a directory on your server using this Action. Requires PHP on your server and JavaScript in the browser, but falls back gracefully if JavaScript is disabled.
77 downloads, 28 comments.
This Action removes the IDs from any elements (and their children) to which it is attached.
124 downloads, 4 comments.
This Page Action automatically applies a clearfix to all unfloated parents with floated children, preventing the parent’s height from collapsing.
948 downloads, 4 comments.
Automatically and speedily, create links on your page without using the Hyperlink dialog.
62 downloads, 0 comments.
Fade your page background between two colours after the page has loaded.
113 downloads, 3 comments.
An Action for creating a full page backgrounds with slideshow features.
1254 downloads, 45 comments.
Inserts a Base href tag to allow templated pages to be transferred to from 404 pages.
24 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action is specifically for Freeway 7, for Freeway 6, use this Action
737 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action will allow you to redirect to alternate pages or sites based on the maximum width of the browser’s screen. If you have designed a mobile site, and want to redirect to it in any narrow browser (not just an iPhone or iPad) then this Action will do that for you.
153 downloads, 1 comment.
Page and Folder Action to insert the Browser Update service JavaScript into your pages. Visitors with an older browser will be gently reminded to upgrade.
61 downloads, 2 comments.
Apply this Action to a text field to make an easy popup calendar for choosing dates. Based on and includes Prototype (so no MooTools on the same page).
196 downloads, 16 comments.
developer css form prototype variable open-source lgpl date-and-time
This is a new version of CalendarView, updated under the hood to streamline your page and make it load faster.
207 downloads, 2 comments.
developer form server prototype variable open-source lgpl date-and-time
This Action allows you to create the effect popularized on the Coda Web site. Clicking on a control causes a portion of the page to “slide” either horizontally or vertically to reveal a new part of the layout.
520 downloads, 35 comments.
1272 downloads, 11 comments.
developer javascript css effects prototype coda animation scriptaculous
For too long now have web designers been held back by the dull and repetitive collection of fonts that have been deemed “web safe”. It’s made the internate a typographically dull, and given that most designers have collections of fonts, it seems criminal that they cannot be used for anything other than images.
178 downloads, 0 comments.
This is an action that can be used to style table cells background colour in Freeway Pro using onmouseover and onmouseout. Apply to each cell and then set the colour the cell background should change to on moving the cursor over and then for when moving the cursor out of the cell area.
116 downloads, 1 comment.
javascript effects layout free cells rollover background colour
When you submit a form without checking a checkbox, does anyone hear it? No, they don’t. This Action adds a hidden field directly before the checkbox to force the field to be submitted to the server, whether it is checked or not.
31 downloads, 0 comments.
Add a PHP-based automatic “checked” attribute to your checkbox form elements. Enter the name of the variable that is either true or has a true-ish value, and the Action does the rest.
31 downloads, 0 comments.
This function allows you to change the ID of an element into its ClassName, thus avoiding ID conflicts in repeating template elements.
18 downloads, 0 comments.
Want your links to look as clean as possible on your sites? Want to turn into
60 downloads, 3 comments.
Code Buddy is a page action that simplifies working with external markup items in your Freeway pages. It allows you to easily add external markup to your pages while retaining the power and vestility of your code or text editor.
82 downloads, 1 comment.
Add color palettes from COLOURlovers to your Freeway project’s color list.
60 downloads, 0 comments.