CSS_Flex-Container.fwaction.zip (2024-06-25) (Downloaded 2 times)
Compatible: Pro 7
CSS_Flex-Container.fwaction.zip (2024-06-21) (Downloaded 3 times)
Compatible: Pro 7
Author: max fancourt
The Flexbox Container Action for Freeway allows designers to effortlessly create responsive layouts using CSS Flexbox properties. This action provides an intuitive interface to set up flex containers with various display settings, flex directions, wrapping behaviours, and alignment options. Users can define different styles for breakpoints, ensuring a seamless and adaptive design across all screen sizes. With options for customising gap sizes, enabling comments, and specifying child elements, the Flexbox Container Action simplifies the process of building flexible and modern web layouts.
Additionally, you can launch a webpage to read more and experiment with different options directly from within the action palette.
Just corrceted some mistakes and added the third break point interface as well in the latest 1.6 version
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