Create styles naming the “itemtypes” that you’re planning to use with the prefix “sch” (e.g. schName, schSameAs, schOpeningHours, will translate into
itemtype=“name”, itemtype=“sameas”, itemtype=“openinghours” etc.)
Highlight the desired text and apply style with the corresponding tag name.
Apply action to the item containing the tagged text
In the Actions window enter the context for the tags (e.g. Thing, LocalBusiness, Product, these will translate into
itemscope itemtype=“”
It doesn’t matter if you do part 2 or part 3 first as long as the styles are applied and the context specified.
Known limitations:
* contentype= tag is not natively supported, you will need to add that as a meta tag.
* nested context tags (e.g. followed by need to be in nested items with both items having the Action applied and corresponding contexts specified.
Please specify the email address you would like me to send the Action to during checkout.
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