Versions (2013-12-04) (Downloaded 935 times)


  • SmoothScroll (page-action) - v. 0.5.4

Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, Pro 5.5, and Pro 6 (2013-08-22) (Downloaded 5 times)


  • SmoothScroll (page-action) - v. 0.5.3

Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, and Pro 5.5 (2012-05-08) (Downloaded 1 time)


  • SmoothScroll (page-action) - v. 0.5.2

Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, and Pro 5.5 (2012-05-05) (Downloaded 0 times)


  • SmoothScroll (page-action) - v. 0.5.1

Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, and Pro 5.5 (2011-12-12) (Downloaded 0 times)


  • SmoothScroll (page-action) - v. 0.5

Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, and Pro 5.5 (2011-07-25) (Downloaded 2 times)


  • SmoothScroll (page-action) - v. 0.4.1

Compatible: Pro 4 and Pro 5

Author: Walter Davis

javascript css effects prototype scriptaculous

This Action gives all anchor links on your page an animated smooth scroll behavior, rather than “snapping” into view.

Apply the Action to your page, and any in-page anchors will be given the effect. You may set the duration of the effect anywhere between 1/10 second and 1 second using the Duration picker in the Actions palette.


Do you have a demo site?

This works great, but is there a way to have the address bar reflect the anchor?

Not as it is currently coded. If the address bar updated, you would see the page snap down.

It did not work

Link, or it didn't happen!

Walter - The address bar could be updated, as long as was updated after the animation has finished - the browser will snap to the same place it already is, so there would be no visible effect.

In Safari, maybe others, any change to any part of the Location field causes a repaint of the screen. I just tested this yesterday, and was shocked because the entire thing reloaded and repositioned. I suspect that it could be fixed by memorizing the current scroll offsets and then moving back to them immediately after the update. I don't have time to dig into this right now, care to have a crack at it? Use the Action to publish the code, then edit it in a programmer's text editor and see what you can get to happen.

Just wondering if there is an update for Freeway 7 on the way anytime soon? Or are there any alternatives to create the smooth scroll?

Hi Walter,

I have been using the smooth scroll action which a great action in Freeway Pro 7. I just wondering if there is a work around as my home page is now set as a php file to use CMS and the smooth scroll doesn't work any more. As I say it's a great action and really need it to work on the site I am building as it what my client has seen.

I appreciate your a busy, so any help on this would be great.

Cheers Mickey

The only way that a CMS or php would make any difference at all is if that CMS also loaded jQuery into the page through its admin template. (WebYep does this, at least by default, although you can change it over to Prototype if you read the documentation.) This Action, and most others, will not work in the presence of jQuery, because Prototype already declares a $() function, and jQuery tries to declare its own incompatible version.

Thanks for the reply, I am using Perch CMS.

But basically my client wants a slider Image gallery (With product name and description) with thumbnails underneath so they can update and add products when they need. (I have built this all is Freeway Pro 7 so far.)

Any suggestions on another way to do this? again any help would be great

Cheers Mickey

There are dozens, maybe hundreds of smooth scroll scripts out there, many for jQuery. Anything that requires jQuery will advertise that fact, and will probably work with your lightbox effect.

Okay, will have a look in to another script, thanks for the help.

Cheers Mickey

I'm using smooth scroll for the first time since purchasing the Esperanto template. I'm puzzled as around 30% of the time I have no problem using it, even on a site that I'm developing with webyep CMS. But the rest of the time I get the alert "The Action 'SmothScroll" on the page "home" took so long to execute that it timed out Cleary something's putting a spanner in the works to make it inconsistent but I haven't a clue what it would be. I've tried restarting everything to no avail. Anyone able to help? thanks

This error is happening during the publish cycle, so it's a good idea to try it out on a minimal page – very little content, and the Actions. Also ensure that you have the "Allow AppleScript in Actions" setting on in the Freeway preferences.


I'm using smooth scroll for the first time since purchasing the Esperanto template. I'm puzzled as around 30% of the time I have no problem using it, even on a site that I'm developing with webyep CMS. But the rest of the time I get the alert "The Action 'SmothScroll" on the page "home" took so long to execute that it timed out Cleary something's putting a spanner in the works to make it inconsistent but I haven't a clue what it would be. I've tried restarting everything to no avail. Anyone able to help? thanks

Thanks Walter

I was working on the site last night, published countless times and had no problem at all. I open my computer up this morning and Smoothscroll faults every time. It's illogical to me as nothing has changed at all other than working on it a few hours later.

I've duplicated the freeway document, stripped the page right down to a minimum of elements and it's still doing it. ("allow appleScript in Actions" is on in the Freeway preferences)

This can be an indication that your Mac's Internet connection is having intermittent packet loss. Open the Terminal, and type the following:

ping -c 100

Press return, and see if any packet loss is noted. If you do see some, open a support ticket with your ISP.

Hi Walter

You're absolutely right. I didn't end up having to open the Terminal once you stated the reason I realised that I was having the problem when I was working at a particular office location using their internet and it was fine when using my home internet. All sorted, with thanks.

SmoothScroll version 0.5.4 doesn't work a lot of the time and now I know why. When I have Protaculous2 on my page in Freeway 7 Pro, for some reason, the Scriptaculous Effects don't get placed into the HTML. The fix I use is to manually, tick the "Add Scriptaculous libraries" checkbox in the Actions palette in the Protaculous2 action. I also needed to hack the SmoothScroll action and replace "http" with "https" since my website forces use of https these days. I also changed Prototype to 1.7, since the latter calls up the newer version which works fine. Still, there are 2 references to Prototype 1.7 in my HTML and I don't know how to hack that out. (Walter should.)

Hope this helps others with the same problem.

James - rather than changing 'http://' to 'https://', change it to just '//'. That way the browser will use the current protocol, effectively automatically switching between http and https, depending on the page URL.

Ian, https:// works everywhere, even in local preview, when the protocol is file:///. The double-slash trick doesn’t ever work in that context. Also, there’s no harm in requiring secure assets in an insecure context, only the opposite!

Hi Walter! It doesn't work on my local Dev server and several staging servers I use, which only use http://. In these contexts, local assets linked with https:// will fail to load.

All said, the Smooth Scroll Action really needs a minor update to address "https" and to ensure Scriptaculous Effects actually get written to the page code AND to ensure there are no duplicate references to Prototype in the code. Why is this important? Well, because Smooth Scroll is important. Indeed, it should be built into Freeway, which will never happen because Xway is the replacement of Freeway Pro 7, but feature parity is a long way off.

Hi Walt.. I wonder if anyone has found a fix for smooth scroll not working when an exhibeo gallery is placed on site? I am using Showtime and the Smooths croll will not work thx!

My guess is that Showtime uses jQuery internally, and that's incompatible with this Action, which is based on Prototype.js.

Hi Walter I hope you are doing ok during this challenging time

I just uploaded a site and the smoothscroll works fine on my desktop browser but not online up on server here is the link

thanks for any advice

got it to work Walter thx

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