Versions (2010-11-22) (Downloaded 771 times)


  • Unreadable Action #0 () - v. 2.2

Compatible: Pro 5, Pro 5.5, Pro 6, Express 5, Express 5.5, and Express 6

Author: Softpress Support

link page

The iFrame Action allows you to create inline frames that display content from other pages or sites.

For usage see:


Thanks, I was looking for this one earlier.

I just downloaded and installed this action but my iFrame Actions palette doesn't looks nothing like the sample above (For usage see:). Also not clear on how to do a similar set up to Paul's sample with links to different 'verses' on that page.

I couldn't figure out how to get different pages either.

I believe that each verse in Paul's example is a separate page. That's all you can set in the iframe's source picker.

I thought so. But how do you get the links to call up the separate pages?

iframe does not really work under Internet Explorer 8.0. Their is always a white background.

Thank you very much, with iFrame 2.2 transparency is ok.

I've amended my copy of v2.2 to include an option to set the height and width to 100% (of the FW parent object) so it works with scaling pages. I've tentatively called it v2.2a. Does Softpress want a copy?

The link above shows more options then the ones available at FW Pro 6. Nevertheless, it works fine. Thanks.

Link to example is broken.

this says it's not compatible with 7. what is the new way to include an iframe? i am embedding a form fill that's linked to the sites host and would like it to be an internal page.

I would not worry too much about the version requirement. Likely this just means that the author didn't test it there explicitly. Very little changed between the versions (at the Actions API level).

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