
74 Actions

Softpress Support (22 October 2010) Add Code

Add code to your page and see a live preview in Freeway. This works in the same way as the Insert Markup Item feature in Freeway but attempts to render the code inserted in a live preview.

150 downloads, 1 comment.

Softpress Support (13 April 2015) Auto Clearfix

This Page Action automatically applies a clearfix to all unfloated parents with floated children, preventing the parent’s height from collapsing.

948 downloads, 4 comments.

inline box-model inflow floats

Softpress Support (23 February 2009) Auto Link

Automatically and speedily, create links on your page without using the Hyperlink dialog.

62 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Background Fade

Fade your page background between two colours after the page has loaded.

113 downloads, 3 comments.

Softpress Support (3 December 2015) Background Supersizer

An Action for creating a full page backgrounds with slideshow features.

1254 downloads, 45 comments.

Softpress Support (22 May 2015) Box Sizing (FW7)

This Action is specifically for Freeway 7, for Freeway 6, use this Action

737 downloads, 0 comments.

box model responsive flexible fluid border-box

Softpress Support (20 January 2013) Clean Links

Want your links to look as clean as possible on your sites? Want to turn into

60 downloads, 3 comments.

links directory minimalist

Softpress Support (12 February 2011) COLOURlovers™

Add color palettes from COLOURlovers to your Freeway project’s color list.

60 downloads, 0 comments.

design color

Softpress Support (2 April 2012) Comments

A simple Action that allows users to comment on your site. The Action uses Disqus to host the comments. You must sign-up to their service and add your site for the Action to work. Once you’ve done this, copy your Shortname – you’ll need to use it in the Action.

89 downloads, 7 comments.

Softpress Support (26 September 2014) CSS3 Box Sizing

Allows you to change items' box sizing value from the default of padding-box to border-box.

287 downloads, 1 comment.

relative css3 responsive inflow

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Dynamic Page Titles

Freeway will normally encode any non-alphanumeric characters, such as < and >, in page titles. This means that you can’t use ASP tags to dynamically generate titles.

12 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (24 February 2009) Dynamic Page Titles (PHP)

Allows pages to have dynamic, PHP generated names.

28 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) External JavaScript

This Action allows you to upload and link to an external JavaScript file.

119 downloads, 5 comments.

Softpress Support (4 April 2012) Favicon

A quick way to add a Favicon to your site or page. Apply this to a folder or a page and select your ICO file.

406 downloads, 1 comment.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Fit Page to Screen

Please note. This Action only works on windows that were created from scripts (such as Link to New Window or Spawn New Window). Browser vendors have removed the ability to resize regular windows.

33 downloads, 10 comments.

Softpress Support (18 September 2008) Fix IE Alt Tags (Folder)

Apply this Action to any folder to add a blank title tag to all images in the folder that don’t already have a title tag. This prevents Internet Explorer from incorrectly displaying Alt text as a tooltip.

9 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (18 September 2008) Fix IE Alt Tags (Item)

Apply this Action to any graphic item to add a blank title tag to it if it doesn’t already have a title tag. This prevents Internet Explorer from incorrectly displaying Alt text as a tooltip.

6 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (18 September 2008) Fix IE Alt Tags (Page)

Apply this Action to any page to add a blank title tag to any image that doesn’t already have a title tag. This prevents Internet Explorer from incorrectly displaying Alt text as a tooltip.

6 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (7 November 2013) Flexible Image

Action Usage:

310 downloads, 6 comments.

Softpress Support (26 September 2014) Flexible Page

Converts the page width at all breakpoints from a fixed width to a flexible width. To be used in conjunction with the Box Sizing (FW7) Action.

501 downloads, 0 comments.

box model flexible fluid box-sizing

Softpress Support (23 April 2010) FLV Player

Updated to also target the iPad when iPhone compatibility is turned on.

41 downloads, 1 comment.

Softpress Support (29 January 2009) Full Background

This Page action, by Simon Manning of Softpress, takes a specified image and resizes it to fill the browser window.

140 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (31 July 2012) Hide Slaves

Will hide selected slaves on a Rollover or Click.

63 downloads, 1 comment.

Softpress Support (30 July 2012) Hide Slaves (alternate)

This version of the Action will hide a visible Target that hasn’t yet been triggered.

49 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (8 April 2010) HTML5 Video

Note: This Action is now deprecated and may not work. To use HTML5 Video, please upgrade to Freeway 6.

172 downloads, 5 comments.

ipad iphone
