Versions (2013-04-13) (Downloaded 116 times)


  • PHP easiForm (page-action) - v. 1.49
  • PHP easiForm Element (item-action) - v. 1.23b
  • PHP easiForm Errors (item-action) - v. 1.2b
  • PHP easiForm Echo Email (item-action) - v. 1.0b
  • PHP easiForm Element Title (item-action) - v. 1.1b

Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, Pro 5.5, Pro 6, and Pro 7 (2013-03-18) (Downloaded 7 times)


  • PHP easiForm (page-action) - v. 1.48b
  • PHP easiForm Element (item-action) - v. 1.23b
  • PHP easiForm Errors (item-action) - v. 1.2b
  • PHP easiForm Echo Email (item-action) - v. 1.0b
  • PHP easiForm Element Title (item-action) - v. 1.1b

Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, Pro 5.5, Pro 6, and Pro 7 (2010-06-13) (Downloaded 1 time)


  • PHP easiForm (page-action) - v. 1.46b
  • PHP easiForm Element (item-action) - v. 1.23b
  • PHP easiForm Errors (item-action) - v. 1.2b
  • PHP easiForm Echo Email (item-action) - v. 1.0b
  • PHP easiForm Element Title (item-action) - v. 1.1b

Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, and Pro 5.5 (2009-03-14) (Downloaded 0 times)


  • PHP easiForm (page-action) - v. 1.43b
  • PHP easiForm Element (item-action) - v. 1.2b
  • PHP easiForm Errors (item-action) - v. 1.2b
  • PHP easiForm Echo Email (item-action) - v. 1.0b
  • PHP easiForm Element Title (item-action) - v. 1.0b

Compatible: Pro 4 and Pro 5 (2009-03-14) (Downloaded 0 times)


  • PHP easiForm (page-action) - v. 1.43b
  • PHP easiForm Element (item-action) - v. 1.2b
  • PHP easiForm Errors (item-action) - v. 1.2b
  • PHP easiForm Echo Email (item-action) - v. 1.0b
  • PHP easiForm Element Title (item-action) - v. 1.0b

Compatible: Pro 4 and Pro 5 (2009-03-06) (Downloaded 1 time)


  • PHP easiForm (page-action) - v. 1.42b
  • PHP easiForm Element (item-action) - v. 1.2b
  • PHP easiForm Errors (item-action) - v. 1.2b

Compatible: Pro 4 and Pro 5 (2008-11-21) (Downloaded 0 times)


  • PHP easiForm (page-action) - v. 1.41b
  • PHP easiForm Element (item-action) - v. 1.2b
  • PHP easiForm Errors (item-action) - v. 1.1b

Compatible: Pro 4 and Pro 5

Author: Mike Brackenridge

html css php form commercial forms easiform web forms confirm clearfix w6 fw7

This is one of 3 actions needed to create forms in Freeway Pro using easiForm, all of the other actions are installed with this action.

Detailed information on how to set up a Freeway form using this suite of actions can be downloaded in PDF here:


$20 Purchase


i've downloaded the suite and went thru the tutorial on setting up a form. All went well. However, when I use the easiForm page action it does something funny: my CSS submenu items no longer function and the "Use Master Settings" for the page becomes unchecked and I cannot re-enable it. I've gone to the easiBase website and tried using the contact form there to notify the author but I get an error "Warning: include_once(./_GENERAL_CONFIG.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/econdata/public_html/easicontact.php on line 2

Warning: include_once(): Failed opening './_GENERAL_CONFIG.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/econdata/public_html/easicontact.php on line 2

Fatal error: The file /home/econdata/public_html/easiCaptcha_a.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 4 and cannot run under PHP 5.5. Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for either PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5. in Unknown on line 0"

Hello Mike, I have just purchased freeway pro7 and CANNOT make the send form work with my host! They have constraints about emails which have to stay internal. When I try the send form it goes to error page. They are suggesting HTML changes??? I was wondering if your easy form could handle the changes needed. Would there be any way of inputs to easy form that would make it simple. Claude

This Action (and all of the Easi-[name] Actions are currently unsupported, and the author has moved on from the community.

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