Walter Davis (29 April 2014) PHP Form Action

This Action wires an individual form element or all form elements on the page to display its value when the form is posted back to itself.

139 downloads, 0 comments.

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Mike Brackenridge (18 March 2013) PHP easiForm

This is one of 3 actions needed to create forms in Freeway Pro using easiForm, all of the other actions are installed with this action.

125 downloads, 3 comments.

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Mike Brackenridge (29 August 2008) PHP easiForm Errors

This action is part of the easiForm suite of actions and is used to return user errors, e.g. if you have a ‘Required value’ set and the user tries to send the form without entering a value for that required form item the error will be returned to the location of this action.

11 downloads, 1 comment.

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Mike Brackenridge (29 August 2008) PHP easiForm Elements

This action is part of the easiForm suite of actions and is added to each of the form elements including the Submit button, each of your form elements that this action has been applied to needs a unique name value to be set in the Freeway inspector for that element.

19 downloads, 1 comment.

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Mike Brackenridge (21 November 2008) PHP easiCaptcha

An action to easily add an image captcha or math question to any of your Freeway forms that use the easiForm actions. With this action the user will need to either enter a letter and digit configuration or select an answer a simple math question correctly from a pop up menu in able to send the form.

74 downloads, 1 comment.

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Mike Brackenridge (27 March 2009) PHP Easy Reflections

Use this action to create image reflections under the image the action is applied to. Can be applied to many images on the same page and each application can be custom set for reflection size and transparency etc.

23 downloads, 0 comments.

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Mike Brackenridge (29 August 2008) PHP Dynamic Page Titles

This action allows the use of a PHP variable along with a Freeway entered title for the page title, users have the option of setting the text entered in the Freeway title field before or after the variable set with this action.

0 downloads, 0 comments.

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Walter Davis (8 May 2012) ReadFeed

ReadFeed allows you to republish RSS feeds as HTML linked lists. You have complete control over the output format, and can style the resulting list using CSS styles.

48 downloads, 1 comment.

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Mike Brackenridge (13 April 2013) PHP error_reporting

This is an action to set php error_reporting options on your Freeway php pages.

24 downloads, 0 comments.


Mike Brackenridge (14 March 2009) PHP easiForm Element Titles

Ever wanted to have the element title text show in red (or another colour) when a user error is returned for that form item, well easiForm could always do this but it meant some hand coding, this action will make it this easy for you to do that now without getting your hands dirty.

0 downloads, 1 comment.

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Mike Brackenridge (14 March 2009) PHP easiForm Echo Email

Ever wanted to show a message on your form thanks page like:

0 downloads, 1 comment.

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max fancourt (1 April 2021) Script-Action-Set

This action set contains everything I could think of to allow you to construct intergrate and adjust an: xml, css, html, php, javacript, asp, txt… in fact just about any script type within Feeway that Freeway cant handle directly.

248 downloads, 7 comments.

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max fancourt (21 March 2013) External Reset Stylesheet

Reference a reset external style sheet within freeway

35 downloads, 4 comments.

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Carsten Cohn (23 April 2012) RT-Editor (Yahoo-YUI)

This action create an INPUT TEXTAREA and expand it to a Rich Text-Editor. You can use it like a textarea. If you like it or if you have question for more YUI actions like these please mail me.

17 downloads, 1 comment.

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Carsten Cohn (26 April 2012) PHP -PageProtect

This action works in 2 Level:

171 downloads, 4 comments.

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Carsten Cohn (26 April 2012) PHP-WebmasterID

If you want traffic, so you need Webmaster. This action allowed to read the Webmaster-ID and save this ID to a Cookie. You can define the lifetime of the cookie. So, if the User of this Webmaster come back to your site, the Webmaster-ID ist not lost.

24 downloads, 0 comments.

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Walter Davis (4 January 2013) Feed2js

Feed2js makes it easy to re-publish RSS and Atom feeds to your pages. It requires PHP 5 on your server (preferably 5.3 or newer so you get the best possible XML support), but it does work with older versions of PHP 5.

74 downloads, 1 comment.

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Walter Davis (14 January 2013) CheckboxHelper

Add a PHP-based automatic “checked” attribute to your checkbox form elements. Enter the name of the variable that is either true or has a true-ish value, and the Action does the rest.

31 downloads, 0 comments.

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Walter Davis (13 February 2013) RadioFlyer

Set a radio button to be checked automatically using PHP. You must have a global variable identical to the radio group name set in your page for this code to do anything.

15 downloads, 0 comments.

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