
PHP_Make_Insert_Page.fwaction (2010-10-10) (Downloaded 41 times)


  • PHP Make Insert Page (page-action) - v. 1.3.1

Compatible: Pro 3.5, Pro 4, and Pro 5 (2009-02-24) (Downloaded 8 times)


  • PHP Make Insert Page (page-action) - v. 1.1
  • PHP Make Insert Page (page-action) - v. 1.1

Compatible: Pro 3.5, Pro 4, and Pro 5

Author: Softpress Support

This helpful Action will delete everything from a page except for the main layout contents, and the contents of the “Before HTML” portion of the HTML Markup. This makes it easy to create include pages that do not have extraneous code in them. It will disable any stylesheets or rollovers and other JavaScript effects, however, as it deletes the entire contents of the HEAD portion of the published code.

This Action can be used with any server technology, not just PHP.


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