ExpressionEngine Action Suite (2014-05-05) (Downloaded 206 times)
Compatible: Pro 3.5, Pro 4, Pro 5, Pro 5.5, Pro 6, Express 3.5, Express 4, Express 5, Express 5.5, and Express 6
Author: Joe Muscara
cms commercial content management
Need to create a web site that uses an online publishing system, such as a weblog or a content management system? Have a client that needs to make updates to their site themselves but they don’t have any Macs? This Action Suite allows you to create a dynamic site using ExpressionEngine (available separately) and Freeway that can be easily updated by users. ExpressionEngine (EE) is a highly flexible content management system (CMS) that allows those without extensive PHP experience to create database driven websites that rival sites with tens of thousands of dollars of custom scripting and database development.
(Compatible with ExpressionEngine versions 1.x and 2.x)
This Action Suite allows you to use ExpressionEngine as the basis of an online publishing system for a web site. (See the ExpressionEngine site for server requirements, licensing, and other information about ExpressionEngine.) You can then create an EE site in its entirety within Freeway, with the Actions doing a lot of the hard work for you. To top it off, when utilizing Freeway with EE, you get a near WYSIWYG layout for an EE site.
There are several Actions included in the ExpressionEngine Action Suite, with versions for ExpressionEngine 1.x and 2.x as appropriate.
For more details regarding how the Actions in the Suite work, contact us directly and we can provide the documentation.
$40 Purchase
James Brouwer
Question to those of you who have downloaded the EE Action Suite, have you found it worthwhile?
Alexander Vojjov
Can you help me? Compatible this Action Suite with Freeway 7 Pro?
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