This Action wires an individual form element or all form elements on the page to display its value when the form is posted back to itself.
139 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action cuts an element out of the Freeway page. There are two practical applications for this:
38 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action removes the IDs from any elements (and their children) to which it is attached.
124 downloads, 4 comments.
This action is part of the easiForm suite of actions and is added to each of the form elements including the Submit button, each of your form elements that this action has been applied to needs a unique name value to be set in the Freeway inspector for that element.
19 downloads, 1 comment.
cms template html standards css php form commercial server forms easiform web forms content management confirm
The WebYep Freeway Action Suite has been constructed for designers that want to concentrate on design and don’t want to adopt PHP or deep HTML skills to simply make some pages editable.
594 downloads, 27 comments.
cms commercial forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas
Create a linked list of files from a directory on your server using this Action. Requires PHP on your server and JavaScript in the browser, but falls back gracefully if JavaScript is disabled.
77 downloads, 28 comments.
This Action may be applied to any element in a Freeway layout to remove the height and/or width dimensions from it. This allows you to duplicate the “Height Can Shrink” behavior in a layer-based layout.
48 downloads, 11 comments.
This Action uses CSS to create a rollover.
132 downloads, 4 comments.
This Action is in its very early beta form.. but basically it moves the Styles into the body, removes the outer div automatically created by freeway. Allows you to center the email via the outer table and finally removes the offending characters that stops the published HTML being run through TextMate’s “Move all styles to inline” if you have this application and bundle.
29 downloads, 20 comments.
developer cms template javascript email commercial server prototype content management open-source
Ever wanted to show a message on your form thanks page like:
0 downloads, 1 comment.
cms template html standards css php form commercial server forms easiform web forms content management confirm
Action Pack for inclusion of header joomla, including blocks of position, creating the file templateDetail.xml.
4 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template javascript html standards css form softpress server forms fun free style elements content management open-source link page joomla code
Pack d'action permettant l'inclusion d'une entête pour joomla 1.5.x, la création du fichier templateDetails.xml, de générer les 3 feuilles de style CSS (general.css, position.css, et template.css) définies dans l'entête.
6 downloads, 4 comments.
cms template javascript html standards css form softpress server forms fun free style elements content management open-source link page joomla code
This Action lets you design the appearance of the main content pane of the site.
18 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system
This Action is the hub of the system - it sets up the Template files, and creates the files and folders necessary to make a Joomla template.
5 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system
This Action creates the necessary slot in the page for Joomla module output.
8 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system
This Action is a tool which lets you design a module’s text appearance. It presents an array of options which are the
5 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system
This Action is a tool which lets you design a menu’s appearance.
16 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system
This Action helps in the design of an inline based layout by stripping the height attribute of the DIV to which is applied during publish time. This means that you can design with a layout that is more meaningful visually, and have code which functions correctly within the Joomla environment.
2 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system
This Action allows you to group two Module items together, and have Joomla show only those items which have content created for them. This helps with creating a flexible layout which changes depending on content served.
4 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system
A file which is designed using the Box Model mode in Freeway. This should give the aspiring Joomla designer a leg-up when it comes to creating a Joomla! ready web site on Freeway.
14 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system
The Joomla Actions rewrite the Resources published by Freeway to allow for the difference in published resources. Many Actions, however, will not produce output that the Actions can interpret, and their resources will not be found when the site is viewed in Joomla.
14 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system
This is a realy quick rough action that allows you to integrate a Zoomify exported file from photoshop into freeway.
60 downloads, 1 comment.
developer cms template html standards css form server content management variable string open-source picker zoomify
This Action allows you to use the new CSS3 gradient properties, without having to hand code it on any layered table or normal layer.
234 downloads, 7 comments.
developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management
The general description of what this actions does is…
59 downloads, 3 comments.
developer cms template javascript css commercial softpress server prototype content management open-source background image inline
This actions allows you to specify an RGB colour and an Opacity declaration to any table, table cell or div item.
56 downloads, 1 comment.
developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management