External_Reset_Stylesheet.zip (2013-03-21) (Downloaded 35 times)
Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, Pro 5.5, and Pro 6
External_Reset_Stylesheet.zip (2011-12-13) (Downloaded 0 times)
Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, and Pro 5.5
External-Rest-Style-Sheet.zip (2011-09-23) (Downloaded 0 times)
Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, and Pro 5.5
Author: max fancourt
css php form softpress layout style mysql database includes
Reference a reset external style sheet within freeway The reason behind a reset stylesheet is to reduce different browsers inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes. This actions allows you to specify an external style sheet and for it to be referenced as the first style sheet within the html.
The latest version includes a Freeway template to allow users an instant method of creating the correct site structure.
Richard van Heukelum
Strange, no external style sheet action included, but Script Page Linker 1.8L.fwaction en Script Page Maker 1.8L.fwaction instead?
For some reason the FWPro6 template is installed, but won't open?
max fancourt
ooohhh thats not correct!!
let me have a look and see what I have done wrongI am sure its user error on my part
max fancourt
The reset action is now included.. but the template won't install so I have sent it to Freeway as a possible bug
Richard van Heukelum
Great Max, thanks! By the way … is it correct the 2 actions I mentioned earlier? It kinda surprised me not to find an "External Reset Stylesheet"-action.
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