The Text Flow Action lets you flow text around an irregular shape. This can help add impact and style to a page, and you can start to plan ways of banishing rectangular blocks of text altogether!
54 downloads, 1 comment.
Add a random background to your page, or any layer on your page.
71 downloads, 1 comment.
Add color palettes from COLOURlovers to your Freeway project’s color list.
60 downloads, 0 comments.
So CUUUUUTE! Kittens of any size, grayscale or color. Just draw an HTML item on the page and apply this Action to it for an Instant kitty!
11 downloads, 0 comments.
Make a CSS menu for your Backdraft site that responds to the breakpoints you’ve set for your layout. When you scale down below the smallest “large screen”, you get a screen-space-preserving “hamburger” menu button.
683 downloads, 13 comments.