Using Freeeway since version 1.0 (anyone remember floppy disks?), been quietly developing actions since version 3.
Inserts a Base href tag to allow templated pages to be transferred to from 404 pages.
24 downloads, 0 comments.
Places the page title into a Dreamweaver Template editable region
29 downloads, 0 comments.
This is the Softpress External Javascript action, but with a new option for ‘After Head’ added, and the list expanded to 10 items.
87 downloads, 1 comment.
This page action allows you to add Facebook’s Open Graph Meta data (which, for some reason, use ‘property’ instead of ‘name’ attributes, so can’t be added in Page -> Meta tags).
43 downloads, 0 comments.
Adds Facebook’s XML namespace to your page’s initial HTML tag.
74 downloads, 2 comments.
Creates a form tag that wraps the div or table that the action is applied to.
95 downloads, 0 comments.
This Page action, based on the one by Simon Manning of Softpress, takes a specified image and resizes it to fill the width of the browser window, but keeps its proportions.
235 downloads, 5 comments.
To use high-resolution (Retina) images in HTML e-mails, Outlook needs the height and width to be added as attributes in the img tag. By default, Freeway puts these in CSS - perfect for websites, but no good for HTML e-mails.
96 downloads, 0 comments.
Scriptaculous Actions are fantastic, but what if you haven’t got Javascript enabled? Here’s an action that allows you to nominate alternative content using the HTML noscript tag. Apply the action to the layer (div) that you want to show instead of the slideshow.
6 downloads, 0 comments.
This action makes it easy to incorporate the ScrollMe jQuery library:
82 downloads, 6 comments.
Meant to be used in conjunction with Softpress' Create e-mail action.
21 downloads, 1 comment.