Walter Davis (17 November 2013) VideoJS

Cross-platform HTML5 video with the open-source VideoJS player. Falls back to Flash for the geriatric browsers in your life. Plays with a consistent user interface on any browser or platform.

178 downloads, 1 comment.

javascript video html 5

Walter Davis (26 July 2012) BrowserUpdate

Page and Folder Action to insert the Browser Update service JavaScript into your pages. Visitors with an older browser will be gently reminded to upgrade.

61 downloads, 2 comments.

javascript browser

Walter Davis (28 June 2013) ScriptyLazyLoad

Reduce the page loading time for your graphics-heavy pages. This Action causes all images on your page that are not currently visible on screen (below the fold) to be replaced with the _clear.gif placeholder, so they load instantaneously. Whenever you scroll or resize the browser window, these images are checked again to see if any part of them is visible now, and loaded if necessary.

106 downloads, 0 comments.

javascript css effects server prototype

Ian Webb (30 August 2012) External Javascript (enhanced)

This is the Softpress External Javascript action, but with a new option for ‘After Head’ added, and the list expanded to 10 items.

87 downloads, 1 comment.

javascript external

Walter Davis (25 November 2013) Protaculous 2

This is a complete re-write of the Protaculous Action. Unlike the original, it does not bundle the Prototype and Scriptaculous JavaScript libraries within itself, instead it always links to external scripts hosted on the Google CDN (Content Delivery Network). This Action also does not include the Carousel Actions; check out the Carousel 2 Action for those.

341 downloads, 6 comments.

developer template javascript css effects prototype scriptaculous

Walter Davis (21 March 2018) Carousel 2

Update March 2018

1272 downloads, 11 comments.

developer javascript css effects prototype coda animation scriptaculous

Walter Davis (2 February 2019) ScriptyLightbox3

New version 0.4.0: Removes Flash; Uses Video tag for MPEG video

950 downloads, 68 comments.

developer javascript css effects prototype scriptaculous

Walter Davis (29 June 2013) ScriptyInfiniteSlider

Create an image slideshow that animates continuously. Use this element as a page background, or an in-page element, and use it in a responsive or flexible layout, too! The effect will degrade slightly on IE 8 and below, because the images will not resize to the size of the container.

308 downloads, 9 comments.

javascript css effects prototype animation scriptaculous

Walter Davis (22 October 2013) NoConflict

Add the jQuery noConflict() function to a page that contains both Prototype and jQuery.

79 downloads, 0 comments.

developer javascript prototype scriptaculous jquery

Walter Davis (23 January 2017) HTTPS CDN Helper

If you’re building a secure page, you need to use HTTPS links to your CDN-hosted scripts and other resources to avoid mixed-security warnings or errors.

286 downloads, 0 comments.

javascript html css server

Walter Davis (6 December 2013) PrototypeUpdate

This Action patches the version (and source) of Prototype.js and Scriptaculous to the very latest branch, making it more compatible with IE 9 and 10.

57 downloads, 0 comments.

developer javascript effects prototype scriptaculous

Ian Webb (6 March 2018) ScrollMe

This action makes it easy to incorporate the ScrollMe jQuery library:

82 downloads, 6 comments.

javascript jquery scroll animate