Used to operate the Scrolling Layer. Apply the Scroll Button to a graphic item on the page. The direction of the scroll can be determined in the Action palette.
143 downloads, 1 comment.
This is the heart of the Action, apply this Action to the item that contains the text/content you want to be scrolled.
144 downloads, 1 comment.
This Action determines where on your page the content will be scrolled. Apply it to a layer item and set the size you want it to be using the Inspector palette.
155 downloads, 8 comments.
Cycle backwards and forwards through groups Targets. Great for setting up galleries with buttons to click through the images.
55 downloads, 4 comments.
An amended version of Sequence Click to allow up to 60 images.
37 downloads, 0 comments.
Cycle backwards and forwards through groups Targets. Great for setting up galleries with buttons to click through the images.
19 downloads, 12 comments.
An amended version of the Sequence Click Button Action that allows for up to 60 images.
42 downloads, 0 comments.
Fixed a bug that prevented this Action from working in Firefox in some instances.
25 downloads, 0 comments.
Almost exactly like a sequence timer which can trigger more targets than the standard sequence timer.
54 downloads, 0 comments.
Shows an item when any message is sent to a Slave Chain.
21 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action is experimental
15 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action allows you to specify a color for a table’s first row, and alternating colors for subsequent rows. This means you can easily create “candy striped” effects on tables without having to manually select each row in the table and assigning a color.
32 downloads, 0 comments.
Use this Action to modernize your tables in Freeway. You can apply different background colors to alternating rows and borders, and set their opacity levels.
149 downloads, 8 comments.
As the name suggests this Action allows you to have up to 60 targets in one stack. It should be used instead of the bundled Target Image Action if you need to use more than 20 images.
40 downloads, 2 comments.
This Action is an extension to the Target Load Frame Action that now allows 60 targets to be loaded up into a frame instead of the default 20.
16 downloads, 0 comments.
An extension of the bundled Action, this allows you to specify up to 60 targets for each group.
42 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action allows up to 60 targets and is an extension of the bundled Action in Freeway.
120 downloads, 2 comments.
This action allows you to trigger 60 text rollover items.
62 downloads, 1 comment.
This standalone Action places an input field on the page that will scroll pre-defined messages inside it like ticker tape.
245 downloads, 7 comments.
Use this Action to upload extra files/resources to your server.
144 downloads, 1 comment.
Apply this Action to the form item you want to be validated on submit.
246 downloads, 10 comments.
Apply this Action to the page to set a custom message for invalid form items.
79 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action allows you to center the content on your pages vertically as well as horizontally.
108 downloads, 0 comments.
Add a YouTube movie to your web page.
1061 downloads, 14 comments.