Use this action to create image reflections under the image the action is applied to. Can be applied to many images on the same page and each application can be custom set for reflection size and transparency etc.
23 downloads, 0 comments.
Apply this action to each form element and set the style options. Handy for field/text area element widths, heights, margin, padding and setting coloured borders or fills for text fields and text areas
224 downloads, 1 comment.
javascript html standards css form forms free style elements
This is an action that can be used to style table cells background colour in Freeway Pro using onmouseover and onmouseout. Apply to each cell and then set the colour the cell background should change to on moving the cursor over and then for when moving the cursor out of the cell area.
116 downloads, 1 comment.
javascript effects layout free cells rollover background colour
This action allows the use of a PHP variable along with a Freeway entered title for the page title, users have the option of setting the text entered in the Freeway title field before or after the variable set with this action.
0 downloads, 0 comments.
This action set contains everything I could think of to allow you to construct intergrate and adjust an: xml, css, html, php, javacript, asp, txt… in fact just about any script type within Feeway that Freeway cant handle directly.
248 downloads, 7 comments.
javascript css php softpress image free gallery targets xml javascript library
Action Pack for inclusion of header joomla, including blocks of position, creating the file templateDetail.xml.
4 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template javascript html standards css form softpress server forms fun free style elements content management open-source link page joomla code
Pack d'action permettant l'inclusion d'une entête pour joomla 1.5.x, la création du fichier templateDetails.xml, de générer les 3 feuilles de style CSS (general.css, position.css, et template.css) définies dans l'entête.
6 downloads, 4 comments.
cms template javascript html standards css form softpress server forms fun free style elements content management open-source link page joomla code