This Action allows you to use the new CSS3 gradient properties, without having to hand code it on any layered table or normal layer.
234 downloads, 7 comments.
developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management
The general description of what this actions does is…
59 downloads, 3 comments.
developer cms template javascript css commercial softpress server prototype content management open-source background image inline
Code Buddy is a page action that simplifies working with external markup items in your Freeway pages. It allows you to easily add external markup to your pages while retaining the power and vestility of your code or text editor.
82 downloads, 1 comment.
This actions allows you to specify an RGB colour and an Opacity declaration to any table, table cell or div item.
56 downloads, 1 comment.
developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management
This Action allows you to set the display attribute of the element you apply it to to inline-block. This is a useful way to create “liquid” layouts, where block elements can wrap like text within a flexible container element.
43 downloads, 4 comments.
Add this Action to an empty HTML box on your page to get rid of the annoying 1px font size (and missing Overflow setting) that Freeway foists on empty boxes.
56 downloads, 1 comment.
This is a complete re-write of the Protaculous Action. Unlike the original, it does not bundle the Prototype and Scriptaculous JavaScript libraries within itself, instead it always links to external scripts hosted on the Google CDN (Content Delivery Network). This Action also does not include the Carousel Actions; check out the Carousel 2 Action for those.
341 downloads, 6 comments.
developer template javascript css effects prototype scriptaculous
Set a radio button to be checked automatically using PHP. You must have a global variable identical to the radio group name set in your page for this code to do anything.
15 downloads, 0 comments.
Places the page title into a Dreamweaver Template editable region
29 downloads, 0 comments.
Inserts a Base href tag to allow templated pages to be transferred to from 404 pages.
24 downloads, 0 comments.
206 downloads, 12 comments.
developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management