Walter Davis (20 July 2008) ContentNegotiation

Content Negotiation is an optional feature of the Apache Web server. It allows you to provide the same content in different languages, relying on the browser’s preferences to determine which language to send – all automatically. This Action automates the production of the index.var file that tells Apache which languages your site supports.

20 downloads, 0 comments.

apache languages server

Walter Davis (14 July 2008) CrowBar

By default, Freeway wraps any text within a DIV with a container tag, such as a P. Even Markup Items get this treatment, so it is difficult to add a block of code inline that will generate a DIV or UL or another block-level tag without the result becoming an invalid mess.

176 downloads, 1 comment.

template server

Walter Davis (9 May 2008) Get Firefox

Apply this Action to your page to add a warning message for any IE users.

17 downloads, 2 comments.

joke windows browser

Walter Davis (9 May 2008) Select Fix

Freeway creates select lists with a couple of minor flaws. If an option does not have a value provided (say if you wanted to have an option that didn’t have any value, like “Please choose…”) then it simply omits the value=“” property. It also does not include the label=“the label” property for options.

10 downloads, 1 comment.

template html standards form server

Walter Davis (9 May 2008) Comment

Add a set of comments around any layer on the page. This helps you locate a particular element when viewing or editing the source code.

49 downloads, 2 comments.

template html server code

Alexander Liberman () Simplified Schema

The action simplifies the creation of Semantic Web Microdata Structured Data tags in websites.

0 downloads, 0 comments.

seo schema microdata context semantic structured data

Kk realtor () Few tips for buying a property online.

1) Only deal with those builders and real estate agents with good track records.

0 downloads, 0 comments.

Freya Garcia () Who Can Help With My Math Homework?

Most students are not happy with the prospect of writing papers on their own. Math homework is a particularly frustrating task. That being said, there is no objective reason to hate math. It just takes too much time and effort. Students are forced to learn too much, and the extra workload is not what they expect. But the educational process is relentless. If you are tired of typing a request “do my math homework online” on the web, then is at your service.

0 downloads, 0 comments.