Softpress Support (3 November 2008) Target Load Frame 60

This Action is an extension to the Target Load Frame Action that now allows 60 targets to be loaded up into a frame instead of the default 20.

16 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (3 November 2008) Target Image 60

As the name suggests this Action allows you to have up to 60 targets in one stack. It should be used instead of the bundled Target Image Action if you need to use more than 20 images.

40 downloads, 2 comments.

Paul Dunning (22 October 2008) Gallery Action

The Gallery Action boasts a number of features that will get you publishing Galleries in minutes:

120 downloads, 1 comment.

gallery album images new window

Softpress Support (18 September 2008) Fix IE Alt Tags (Page)

Apply this Action to any page to add a blank title tag to any image that doesn’t already have a title tag. This prevents Internet Explorer from incorrectly displaying Alt text as a tooltip.

6 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (18 September 2008) Fix IE Alt Tags (Item)

Apply this Action to any graphic item to add a blank title tag to it if it doesn’t already have a title tag. This prevents Internet Explorer from incorrectly displaying Alt text as a tooltip.

6 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (18 September 2008) Fix IE Alt Tags (Folder)

Apply this Action to any folder to add a blank title tag to all images in the folder that don’t already have a title tag. This prevents Internet Explorer from incorrectly displaying Alt text as a tooltip.

9 downloads, 0 comments.

Joe Muscara (8 September 2008) Page Expiration

Sets the META expires value to the desired date and time.

20 downloads, 0 comments.


Joe Muscara (8 September 2008) Cursor Trailer Text

Have a text trail following the cursor.

24 downloads, 2 comments.

Joe Muscara (8 September 2008) Content Killer

Wipes out the content of the page to which it is applied upon publishing, replacing it with the Text from the Actions palette.

14 downloads, 1 comment.

Joe Muscara (8 September 2008) Simple Site Map

Creates a site map on the selected page or the current location.

42 downloads, 0 comments.

Joe Muscara (8 September 2008) pMachine Tags

This Action allows you to use pMachine Pro or Free as the basis of an online publishing system for a web site. (See the pMachine site for server requirements, licensing, and other information about pMachine.)

9 downloads, 0 comments.

cms commercial

Mike Brackenridge (29 August 2008) PHP Dynamic Page Titles

This action allows the use of a PHP variable along with a Freeway entered title for the page title, users have the option of setting the text entered in the Freeway title field before or after the variable set with this action.

0 downloads, 0 comments.

php free titles dynamic

Mike Brackenridge (29 August 2008) PHP easiForm Elements

This action is part of the easiForm suite of actions and is added to each of the form elements including the Submit button, each of your form elements that this action has been applied to needs a unique name value to be set in the Freeway inspector for that element.

19 downloads, 1 comment.

cms template html standards css php form commercial server forms easiform web forms content management confirm

Mike Brackenridge (29 August 2008) PHP easiForm Errors

This action is part of the easiForm suite of actions and is used to return user errors, e.g. if you have a ‘Required value’ set and the user tries to send the form without entering a value for that required form item the error will be returned to the location of this action.

11 downloads, 1 comment.

html standards css php form commercial forms easiform web forms confirm

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Print Button

This Action allows you to convert a graphic item into a button that opens a Print dialog.

50 downloads, 2 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Navigation Popup 50

This Action is an extended version of the Navigation Popup Action. It allows you to create a standard HTML pulldown menu containing links to other pages.

61 downloads, 2 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Fit Page to Screen

Please note. This Action only works on windows that were created from scripts (such as Link to New Window or Spawn New Window). Browser vendors have removed the ability to resize regular windows.

33 downloads, 10 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Dynamic Page Titles

Freeway will normally encode any non-alphanumeric characters, such as < and >, in page titles. This means that you can’t use ASP tags to dynamically generate titles.

12 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) External JavaScript

This Action allows you to upload and link to an external JavaScript file.

119 downloads, 5 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Upload Extra Resources

Use this Action to upload extra files/resources to your server.

144 downloads, 1 comment.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Image Reset Button

This Action allows you to use a custom image for a reset button on a form.

15 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) No Form

Freeway automatically generates a form tag that encloses all content on your page when you draw a form item on your page. This means that you can only have one form pre page by default (because nested form items are not possible in HTML).

16 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Background Fade

Fade your page background between two colours after the page has loaded.

113 downloads, 3 comments.

Walter Davis (12 August 2008) TagWrap

Add a line of code before and after the selected HTML item. Optionally remove the ID from the selected HTML item; useful if your outer code wrapper uses the selected item as a template inside of a loop.

27 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template html form server

Joe Muscara (30 July 2008) Mini CMS 2 (FileCMS)

Development of mini CMS/FileCMS has been ended by the developer. If you do not already have a copy of the CMS, please do not purchase this Action. I am leaving this Action available for sale for those who already have mini CMS or FileCMS. Contact me before buying this Action if you have any questions.

85 downloads, 7 comments.

cms commercial content management system