Softpress Support (24 February 2009) Dynamic Page Titles (PHP)

Allows pages to have dynamic, PHP generated names.

28 downloads, 0 comments.

max fancourt (5 August 2009) Email Ready HTML.fwaction

This Action is in its very early beta form.. but basically it moves the Styles into the body, removes the outer div automatically created by freeway. Allows you to center the email via the outer table and finally removes the offending characters that stops the published HTML being run through TextMate’s “Move all styles to inline” if you have this application and bundle.

29 downloads, 20 comments.

developer cms template javascript email commercial server prototype content management open-source

Walter Davis (1 May 2014) EmptyBoxHelper

Add this Action to an empty HTML box on your page to get rid of the annoying 1px font size (and missing Overflow setting) that Freeway foists on empty boxes.

56 downloads, 1 comment.

cms template server content management

Walter Davis (2 January 2013) ESS-Convert to Style Sheet

Convert any page in your site into a CSS stylesheet. Add new styles either by creating styled text on that page, or by manually entering them through the Actions interface.

88 downloads, 0 comments.


Walter Davis (2 January 2013) ESS-Use External Style Sheet

Use any external CSS style sheet in your Freeway page. This can be a page within the site that you converted to a stylesheet using the ESS-Convert to Style Sheet Action or a stylesheet created with another application.

146 downloads, 10 comments.


Joe Muscara (5 May 2014) ExpressionEngine Action Suite

Need to create a web site that uses an online publishing system, such as a weblog or a content management system? Have a client that needs to make updates to their site themselves but they don’t have any Macs? This Action Suite allows you to create a dynamic site using ExpressionEngine (available separately) and Freeway that can be easily updated by users. ExpressionEngine (EE) is a highly flexible content management system (CMS) that allows those without extensive PHP experience to create database driven websites that rival sites with tens of thousands of dollars of custom scripting and database development.

203 downloads, 2 comments.

cms commercial content management

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) External JavaScript

This Action allows you to upload and link to an external JavaScript file.

119 downloads, 5 comments.

Ian Webb (30 August 2012) External Javascript (enhanced)

This is the Softpress External Javascript action, but with a new option for ‘After Head’ added, and the list expanded to 10 items.

87 downloads, 1 comment.

javascript external

max fancourt (21 March 2013) External Reset Stylesheet

Reference a reset external style sheet within freeway

35 downloads, 4 comments.

css php form softpress layout style mysql database includes

Ian Webb (7 November 2017) Facebook Open Graph Meta Tags

This page action allows you to add Facebook’s Open Graph Meta data (which, for some reason, use ‘property’ instead of ‘name’ attributes, so can’t be added in Page -> Meta tags).

43 downloads, 0 comments.

meta facebook open graph

Ian Webb (7 August 2012) Facebook xmlns

Adds Facebook’s XML namespace to your page’s initial HTML tag.

74 downloads, 2 comments.

facebook xmlns

Softpress Support (4 April 2012) Favicon

A quick way to add a Favicon to your site or page. Apply this to a folder or a page and select your ICO file.

406 downloads, 1 comment.

Walter Davis (4 January 2013) Feed2js

Feed2js makes it easy to re-publish RSS and Atom feeds to your pages. It requires PHP 5 on your server (preferably 5.3 or newer so you get the best possible XML support), but it does work with older versions of PHP 5.

74 downloads, 1 comment.

cms php server prototype tooltips rss feed

Kk realtor () Few tips for buying a property online.

1) Only deal with those builders and real estate agents with good track records.

0 downloads, 0 comments.

max fancourt (16 March 2012) Firebug Light

The purpose of this action is for you “The designer” to view and tinker with the css style/html code within the preview pane…

29 downloads, 0 comments.

developer cms html css commercial softpress forms validation debug

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Fit Page to Screen

Please note. This Action only works on windows that were created from scripts (such as Link to New Window or Spawn New Window). Browser vendors have removed the ability to resize regular windows.

33 downloads, 10 comments.

Softpress Support (18 September 2008) Fix IE Alt Tags (Folder)

Apply this Action to any folder to add a blank title tag to all images in the folder that don’t already have a title tag. This prevents Internet Explorer from incorrectly displaying Alt text as a tooltip.

9 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (18 September 2008) Fix IE Alt Tags (Item)

Apply this Action to any graphic item to add a blank title tag to it if it doesn’t already have a title tag. This prevents Internet Explorer from incorrectly displaying Alt text as a tooltip.

6 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (18 September 2008) Fix IE Alt Tags (Page)

Apply this Action to any page to add a blank title tag to any image that doesn’t already have a title tag. This prevents Internet Explorer from incorrectly displaying Alt text as a tooltip.

6 downloads, 0 comments.

max fancourt (25 June 2024) Flexbox Container Action

Flexbox Container Action Description

4 downloads, 0 comments.

Flex-box Flex box

max fancourt (21 June 2024) Flexbox Items Action

Flexbox Item Action Description

4 downloads, 1 comment.

Softpress Support (7 November 2013) Flexible Image

Action Usage:

310 downloads, 6 comments.

Softpress Support (26 September 2014) Flexible Page

Converts the page width at all breakpoints from a fixed width to a flexible width. To be used in conjunction with the Box Sizing (FW7) Action.

501 downloads, 0 comments.

box model flexible fluid box-sizing

Walter Davis (2 October 2013) Flickrshow

This Action allows you to create an interactive, automatic slideshow from a Flickr end-point. You may use a User ID, a Group number, a Set number, a Gallery ID, or the ID of a person who is shown in a photo. The Flickrshow JavaScript application is written and maintained by Ben Sekulowicz-Barclay. This Action is a thin wrapper around that application, and I encourage you to explore its many other options.

84 downloads, 1 comment.


Softpress Support (23 April 2010) FLV Player

Updated to also target the iPad when iPhone compatibility is turned on.

41 downloads, 1 comment.