Walter Davis (7 May 2012) ImageReplacement

Apply ImageReplacement to any image on your Freeway layout, then choose a semantic heading tag to replace it (H1 - H6). The image will become the background image for the heading, and the text of the heading (made from the alt text of your image) will disappear on screen.

31 downloads, 5 comments.

html standards css layout seo accessibility

Walter Davis (19 July 2014) Inlay

No longer supported

330 downloads, 2 comments.

cms standards markdown

Walter Davis (13 April 2012) InlineBlock

This Action allows you to set the display attribute of the element you apply it to to inline-block. This is a useful way to create “liquid” layouts, where block elements can wrap like text within a flexible container element.

43 downloads, 4 comments.

developer template

Softpress Support (15 June 2010) iPhone Redirect

The iPhone Redirect Action has been updated to include an iPad redirect.

66 downloads, 1 comment.

Paul Dunning (7 September 2011) Joomla Main Content

This Action lets you design the appearance of the main content pane of the site.

18 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system

Paul Dunning (14 October 2009) Joomla Menu Designer

This Action is a tool which lets you design a menu’s appearance.

16 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system

Paul Dunning (4 August 2010) Joomla Module

This Action creates the necessary slot in the page for Joomla module output.

8 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system

Paul Dunning (4 August 2010) Joomla Module Designer

This Action is a tool which lets you design a module’s text appearance. It presents an array of options which are the

5 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system

Paul Dunning (14 October 2009) Joomla Multiple Module Conditional

This Action allows you to group two Module items together, and have Joomla show only those items which have content created for them. This helps with creating a flexible layout which changes depending on content served.

4 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system

Paul Dunning (14 October 2009) Joomla Strip DIV Height

This Action helps in the design of an inline based layout by stripping the height attribute of the DIV to which is applied during publish time. This means that you can design with a layout that is more meaningful visually, and have code which functions correctly within the Joomla environment.

2 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system

Paul Dunning (4 August 2010) Joomla Template

A file which is designed using the Box Model mode in Freeway. This should give the aspiring Joomla designer a leg-up when it comes to creating a Joomla! ready web site on Freeway.

14 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system

Frédéric IMBERT (10 July 2009) Joomla! 1.0.x Suite

Action Pack for inclusion of header joomla, including blocks of position, creating the file templateDetail.xml.

4 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template javascript html standards css form softpress server forms fun free style elements content management open-source link page joomla code

Frédéric IMBERT (29 June 2010) Joomla! 1.5.x Suite

Pack d'action permettant l'inclusion d'une entête pour joomla 1.5.x, la création du fichier templateDetails.xml, de générer les 3 feuilles de style CSS (general.css, position.css, et template.css) définies dans l'entête.

6 downloads, 4 comments.

cms template javascript html standards css form softpress server forms fun free style elements content management open-source link page joomla code

Paul Dunning (14 October 2009) Joomla! Template Action

This Action is the hub of the system - it sets up the Template files, and creates the files and folders necessary to make a Joomla template.

5 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template commercial prototype forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas joomla content management system

Softpress Support (20 December 2012) Kuler

The Kuler Action is a quick and easy way to import a vast array of color palettes into Freeway from Adobe’s Kuler web site.

55 downloads, 1 comment.

Walter Davis (13 October 2018) Leaflet for Open Street Map

This Action allows you to use the Open Street Map service wherever you might use Google Maps. The resulting map is pleasantly-colored, and is very mobile-friendly. It works well in flexible or responsive layouts, too.

348 downloads, 8 comments.

map https secure security

Walter Davis (17 October 2012) Link to File with Target

A quick hack on the built-in (Softpress) Link to File Action. As the title says, this adds a Target attribute to the link, so you can send the file to a new window or an iframe.

65 downloads, 0 comments.

html softpress code

Softpress Support (23 February 2009) Link to Page

Make and maintain links between pages (next page, previous page, etc.) automatically.

60 downloads, 0 comments.

softpress oftpress

David McCallum (27 December 2015) List Item Starter

FW makes it very difficult for you to change the starting item # in an ordered list. This little action gives you that option.

166 downloads, 0 comments.

Joe Muscara (30 July 2008) Mini CMS 2 (FileCMS)

Development of mini CMS/FileCMS has been ended by the developer. If you do not already have a copy of the CMS, please do not purchase this Action. I am leaving this Action available for sale for those who already have mini CMS or FileCMS. Contact me before buying this Action if you have any questions.

85 downloads, 7 comments.

cms commercial content management system

max fancourt (14 June 2017) Mobile Redirect PHP

This is a quick action that allows you to redirect to a new page if being viewed on a mobile device. This differs from the existing Mobile redirect action because we are triggering the redirect before most of the page loads using a PHP script placed before the HEAD Tag

80 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (27 September 2013) Multiple Form

Freeway automatically generates a form tag that encloses all content on your page when you draw a form item on your page. This means that you can only have one form per page by default (because nested form items are not possible in HTML).

216 downloads, 2 comments.

Softpress Support (24 February 2009) MySQL Connect

MySQL Connect generates PHP code so that the page can connect to a database. It has two settings, one for development and one for when the page is hosted on a server that is on line. Code created by this Action can be inserted onto another page using the Action ‘Include PHP Page’.

62 downloads, 2 comments.

Softpress Support (24 February 2009) MySQL Get Records

This Action generates PHP code to query a database. This code will also be put into a container which can be included on another page using the ‘Include PHP Page’ Action.

47 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2008) Navigation Popup 50

This Action is an extended version of the Navigation Popup Action. It allows you to create a standard HTML pulldown menu containing links to other pages.

61 downloads, 2 comments.