2 downloads, 0 comments.
5 downloads, 0 comments.
4 downloads, 1 comment.
This is a quick and dirty action that allows you to use webp file format images
11 downloads, 0 comments.
This action set contains everything I could think of to allow you to construct intergrate and adjust an: xml, css, html, php, javacript, asp, txt… in fact just about any script type within Feeway that Freeway cant handle directly.
248 downloads, 7 comments.
javascript css php softpress image free gallery targets xml javascript library
Add a YouTube movie to your web page.
1061 downloads, 14 comments.
This Action attempts to construct a site-root-relative link to each graphic or other Freeway-attached resource on the page.
8 downloads, 0 comments.
Meant to be used in conjunction with Softpress' Create e-mail action.
21 downloads, 1 comment.
Make multi-column text without any extra elements. Apply this Action to a text box, set the number of columns or the desired column width, the space and divider properties, and see multi-column text in your modern browser. As with all CSS3 goodies, browsers that don’t support these properties will silently ignore them.
218 downloads, 2 comments.
New version 0.4.0: Removes Flash; Uses Video tag for MPEG video
950 downloads, 68 comments.
Creates a form tag that wraps the div or table that the action is applied to.
95 downloads, 0 comments.
To use high-resolution (Retina) images in HTML e-mails, Outlook needs the height and width to be added as attributes in the img tag. By default, Freeway puts these in CSS - perfect for websites, but no good for HTML e-mails.
96 downloads, 0 comments.
This Page Action attempts to enforce HTTPS protocols everywhere there is a link, script, or form. Apply it to your page to change any generated URLs within your page code from HTTP to HTTPS.
175 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action allows you to use the Open Street Map service wherever you might use Google Maps. The resulting map is pleasantly-colored, and is very mobile-friendly. It works well in flexible or responsive layouts, too.
348 downloads, 8 comments.
206 downloads, 12 comments.
developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management
1272 downloads, 11 comments.
developer javascript css effects prototype coda animation scriptaculous
This action makes it easy to incorporate the ScrollMe jQuery library: http://scrollme.nckprsn.com.
82 downloads, 6 comments.
This page action allows you to add Facebook’s Open Graph Meta data (which, for some reason, use ‘property’ instead of ‘name’ attributes, so can’t be added in Page -> Meta tags).
43 downloads, 0 comments.
This is a quick action that allows you to redirect to a new page if being viewed on a mobile device. This differs from the existing Mobile redirect action because we are triggering the redirect before most of the page loads using a PHP script placed before the HEAD Tag
80 downloads, 0 comments.
If you’re building a secure page, you need to use HTTPS links to your CDN-hosted scripts and other resources to avoid mixed-security warnings or errors.
286 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action removes the IDs from any elements (and their children) to which it is attached.
124 downloads, 4 comments.
Apply a link directly to an HTML item in Freeway 6. The HTML5 specification allows you to wrap an HTML item with a link, like this:
353 downloads, 12 comments.
FW makes it very difficult for you to change the starting item # in an ordered list. This little action gives you that option.
166 downloads, 0 comments.