Joe Muscara (21 March 2013) State/Prov List

Creates a popup with a list of US and Canadian States and Provinces on it - for use in Forms, also allows you to select default location that is shown in browser.

48 downloads, 5 comments.


Joe Muscara (21 March 2013) Country List

Creates a popup with a list of countries on it - for use in Forms.

82 downloads, 3 comments.

form forms

Softpress Support (21 March 2013) Password Protected URL

This action allows you to have a page or folder on your web site that can only be accessed by entering a password.

723 downloads, 8 comments.

max fancourt (21 March 2013) External Reset Stylesheet

Reference a reset external style sheet within freeway

35 downloads, 4 comments.

css php form softpress layout style mysql database includes

Mike Brackenridge (18 March 2013) PHP easiForm

This is one of 3 actions needed to create forms in Freeway Pro using easiForm, all of the other actions are installed with this action.

125 downloads, 3 comments.

html css php form commercial forms easiform web forms confirm clearfix w6 fw7

max fancourt (18 March 2013) CSS3 RGBa Backgrounds

This actions allows you to specify an RGB colour and an Opacity declaration to any table, table cell or div item.

56 downloads, 1 comment.

developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management

max fancourt (18 March 2013) CSS3 Gradients

This Action allows you to use the new CSS3 gradient properties, without having to hand code it on any layered table or normal layer.

234 downloads, 7 comments.

developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management

Walter Davis (17 March 2013) CSS3 Shadow Extra

This action is an update to Walter’s CSS3 Shadow action that enables you to add a drop shadow or inset shadow to any html element on a page. It also adds the spread function which controls the width of the spread of the blur. This is the easy way to add a shadow to html elements without using any images.

155 downloads, 1 comment.


Ian Webb (8 March 2013) Base HREF

Inserts a Base href tag to allow templated pages to be transferred to from 404 pages.

24 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template content management base

Walter Davis (5 March 2013) CSS3 Shadow

Add a drop shadow to any HTML element on the page without any images or extra work. Select a color for your shadow, a degree of blur, and the X and Y offsets, and everything else is done for you. This works in Safari, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and IE 9 or better.

163 downloads, 1 comment.

developer css lifted

Softpress Support (26 February 2013) Scroll Layer

This Action determines where on your page the content will be scrolled. Apply it to a layer item and set the size you want it to be using the Inspector palette.

155 downloads, 8 comments.

Softpress Support (26 February 2013) Scroll Content

This is the heart of the Action, apply this Action to the item that contains the text/content you want to be scrolled.

144 downloads, 1 comment.

Softpress Support (26 February 2013) Scroll Button

Used to operate the Scrolling Layer. Apply the Scroll Button to a graphic item on the page. The direction of the scroll can be determined in the Action palette.

143 downloads, 1 comment.

Walter Davis (15 February 2013) ScriptyLightbox2

This is a complete re-write of the ScriptyLightbox Action. It does less than the original, but hopefully will be more useful for that limited set of functions.

195 downloads, 25 comments.

developer javascript css effects prototype lightbox scriptaculous ajax

Walter Davis (13 February 2013) RadioFlyer

Set a radio button to be checked automatically using PHP. You must have a global variable identical to the radio group name set in your page for this code to do anything.

15 downloads, 0 comments.

template html php form server

Walter Davis (6 February 2013) CSS3 Corners

Apply this action to any HTML box (DIV or TD) and enter a positive number in the Corner Radius field to get perfect transparent rounded corners on that box. No additional images are needed, and borders curve around to fit as well.

263 downloads, 3 comments.


Walter Davis (31 January 2013) TableKit

Sort a data table by clicking on the headers. Automatically creates the styles and re-orders the Freeway-generated HTML to make it behave properly like a data table.

75 downloads, 1 comment.

html standards css server prototype

Walter Davis (30 January 2013) Carousel

This Action allows you to create the effect popularized on the Coda Web site. Clicking on a control causes a portion of the page to “slide” either horizontally or vertically to reveal a new part of the layout.

520 downloads, 35 comments.

developer javascript effects coda animation

Walter Davis (24 January 2013) RemoveDimensions

This Action may be applied to any element in a Freeway layout to remove the height and/or width dimensions from it. This allows you to duplicate the “Height Can Shrink” behavior in a layer-based layout.

48 downloads, 11 comments.

cms template html css server content management

Walter Davis (22 January 2013) CalendarView2

This is a new version of CalendarView, updated under the hood to streamline your page and make it load faster.

207 downloads, 2 comments.

developer form server prototype variable open-source lgpl date-and-time

Softpress Support (20 January 2013) Clean Links

Want your links to look as clean as possible on your sites? Want to turn into

61 downloads, 3 comments.

links directory minimalist

Walter Davis (14 January 2013) CheckboxHelper

Add a PHP-based automatic “checked” attribute to your checkbox form elements. Enter the name of the variable that is either true or has a true-ish value, and the Action does the rest.

31 downloads, 0 comments.

html php form server code

Walter Davis (12 January 2013) BreakPoint

This Action will allow you to redirect to alternate pages or sites based on the maximum width of the browser’s screen. If you have designed a mobile site, and want to redirect to it in any narrow browser (not just an iPhone or iPad) then this Action will do that for you.

153 downloads, 1 comment.

html css mobile responsive

Walter Davis (10 January 2013) RemoveImageWrap

This Action removes the P tag that Freeway uses to position an image within a table cell. This is a last-ditch tool to solve issues of images in hand-drawn tables not completely filling the cell. It may cause more problems than it solves. Apply it to each image.

17 downloads, 1 comment.

html standards css

Walter Davis (4 January 2013) Feed2js

Feed2js makes it easy to re-publish RSS and Atom feeds to your pages. It requires PHP 5 on your server (preferably 5.3 or newer so you get the best possible XML support), but it does work with older versions of PHP 5.

74 downloads, 1 comment.

cms php server prototype tooltips rss feed