Softpress Support (22 May 2015) Box Sizing (FW7)

This Action is specifically for Freeway 7, for Freeway 6, use this Action

737 downloads, 0 comments.

box model responsive flexible fluid border-box

Softpress Support (13 April 2015) Auto Clearfix

This Page Action automatically applies a clearfix to all unfloated parents with floated children, preventing the parent’s height from collapsing.

948 downloads, 4 comments.

inline box-model inflow floats

max fancourt (21 November 2014) CSS Menu Input Name

In Freeway 7 the CSS Menu Action gives you the opportunity create a responsive menu, It does this by swopping out an input checkbox with a graphic of your choice. Unfortunately there is a certain attribute missing from that html output and thats the name of the input item. If you were then to use an application such as forms to go on that page it will throw up an error due to the checkbox’s lack of name.

298 downloads, 0 comments.

css navigation responsive

Walter Davis (11 October 2014) VideoBackground

Use an HTML5 Video tag as the background to your page. This will work in modern browsers, and falls back to a static image in older or non-standard browsers.

791 downloads, 5 comments.

animation video html 5

Walter Davis (27 September 2014) NewsCycle

Create an area on your page that fades in and out, showing new content each time. This Action is very flexible in application, and can handle a wide range of content types.

584 downloads, 40 comments.

developer javascript css effects prototype scriptaculous

Softpress Support (26 September 2014) Flexible Page

Converts the page width at all breakpoints from a fixed width to a flexible width. To be used in conjunction with the Box Sizing (FW7) Action.

501 downloads, 0 comments.

box model flexible fluid box-sizing

Softpress Support (26 September 2014) CSS3 Box Sizing

Allows you to change items' box sizing value from the default of padding-box to border-box.

287 downloads, 1 comment.

relative css3 responsive inflow

Walter Davis (19 July 2014) Inlay

No longer supported

330 downloads, 2 comments.

cms standards markdown

Walter Davis (12 July 2014) SemanticTable

Extracted from TableKit, this Action converts a Freeway-drawn table to a complete semantic table, with <thead> and <tbody> elements as mandated by the W3C spec. It can also (optionally) strip out the P tags that Freeway insists on using to wrap your table content, and add a <tfoot> element if you need that.

165 downloads, 0 comments.

standards code

Walter Davis (27 June 2014) Responsive CSS Menu

Make a CSS menu for your Backdraft site that responds to the breakpoints you’ve set for your layout. When you scale down below the smallest “large screen”, you get a screen-space-preserving “hamburger” menu button.

681 downloads, 13 comments.

design responsive

Walter Davis (16 June 2014) HTML5

Apply HTML5 Page Action to your XHTML page to convert the doctype to HTML5. No other changes are needed to have a valid HTML5 page. This Action is built in to the other HTML5 Actions – there is no need to apply it to the page if you have already applied HTML5 Element or HTML5 Input to any element on the page.

209 downloads, 2 comments.

standards html 5

Walter Davis (28 May 2014) ReadMore

This Action creates a little ‘more…’ link in an overflowed HTML box, and shifts the overflow content into a lightbox-style overlay.

405 downloads, 8 comments.

javascript css effects prototype

Joe Muscara (5 May 2014) ExpressionEngine Action Suite

Need to create a web site that uses an online publishing system, such as a weblog or a content management system? Have a client that needs to make updates to their site themselves but they don’t have any Macs? This Action Suite allows you to create a dynamic site using ExpressionEngine (available separately) and Freeway that can be easily updated by users. ExpressionEngine (EE) is a highly flexible content management system (CMS) that allows those without extensive PHP experience to create database driven websites that rival sites with tens of thousands of dollars of custom scripting and database development.

203 downloads, 2 comments.

cms commercial content management

Paul Dunning (1 May 2014) Text on a Curve - BETA

Text on a curve? On a website? Is that possible? Well, yes it is. Normally, however, such exploits are undertaken with either a bitmap image, or a foray into some SVG editing application.

110 downloads, 0 comments.

text html text cute svg beta

Walter Davis (1 May 2014) EmptyBoxHelper

Add this Action to an empty HTML box on your page to get rid of the annoying 1px font size (and missing Overflow setting) that Freeway foists on empty boxes.

56 downloads, 1 comment.

cms template server content management

Walter Davis (29 April 2014) PHP Form Action

This Action wires an individual form element or all form elements on the page to display its value when the form is posted back to itself.

139 downloads, 0 comments.

cms php form error server content management

Walter Davis (4 March 2014) PrefixFree

Hate adding the same CSS over and over again, with different vendor-specific prefixes each time? PrefixFree is a page or folder Action which allows you to apply the prefixfree.js script to your page, dramatically simplifying any new or experimental CSS you may add to your site.

46 downloads, 0 comments.

standards css

Softpress Support (10 January 2014) Ticker Tape

This standalone Action places an input field on the page that will scroll pre-defined messages inside it like ticker tape.

244 downloads, 7 comments.

Walter Davis (6 January 2014) PageDiv Extended

This Action allows you to completely remove or replace the Style tag of the PageDiv, or to add a ClassName to that tag.

60 downloads, 0 comments.

template html standards css

Mike Brackenridge (25 December 2013) Cell BG Colour On Rollover

This is an action that can be used to style table cells background colour in Freeway Pro using onmouseover and onmouseout. Apply to each cell and then set the colour the cell background should change to on moving the cursor over and then for when moving the cursor out of the cell area.

116 downloads, 1 comment.

javascript effects layout free cells rollover background colour

Walter Davis (23 December 2013) Simple Site Search Helper

Want to use the Simple Site Search on the same page as another form? You’ll find the work-arounds are pretty complex. Simple Site Search Helper makes it easy to combine forms like this.

107 downloads, 0 comments.

html standards css form search

Walter Davis (11 December 2013) Add Selector

If you are creating an external style sheet using CSSEdit or another stylesheet editor, you might become impatient with Freeway’s lack of classnames and weak support for IDs within its interface. The Extended dialog can help you add these, but it’s torturous to use. This action will allow you to apply a classname and/or an ID to nearly any element of a Freeway page.

115 downloads, 3 comments.

javascript html css code

Walter Davis (8 December 2013) DT

Make a proper Description List (DL) in Freeway.

26 downloads, 2 comments.

html standards

Walter Davis (6 December 2013) PrototypeUpdate

This Action patches the version (and source) of Prototype.js and Scriptaculous to the very latest branch, making it more compatible with IE 9 and 10.

57 downloads, 0 comments.

developer javascript effects prototype scriptaculous

Walter Davis (4 December 2013) SmoothScroll

This Action gives all anchor links on your page an animated smooth scroll behavior, rather than “snapping” into view.

942 downloads, 30 comments.

javascript css effects prototype scriptaculous