Walter Davis (25 November 2013) Protaculous 2

This is a complete re-write of the Protaculous Action. Unlike the original, it does not bundle the Prototype and Scriptaculous JavaScript libraries within itself, instead it always links to external scripts hosted on the Google CDN (Content Delivery Network). This Action also does not include the Carousel Actions; check out the Carousel 2 Action for those.

341 downloads, 6 comments.

developer template javascript css effects prototype scriptaculous

Walter Davis (22 November 2013) TemplateHelper

This Action cuts an element out of the Freeway page. There are two practical applications for this:

38 downloads, 0 comments.

cms template server content management

Walter Davis (21 November 2013) CheckboxGhost

When you submit a form without checking a checkbox, does anyone hear it? No, they don’t. This Action adds a hidden field directly before the checkbox to force the field to be submitted to the server, whether it is checked or not.

31 downloads, 0 comments.

html form server

Walter Davis (17 November 2013) VideoJS

Cross-platform HTML5 video with the open-source VideoJS player. Falls back to Flash for the geriatric browsers in your life. Plays with a consistent user interface on any browser or platform.

178 downloads, 1 comment.

javascript video html 5

Mike Brackenridge (16 November 2013) Form Element Styler

Apply this action to each form element and set the style options. Handy for field/text area element widths, heights, margin, padding and setting coloured borders or fills for text fields and text areas

224 downloads, 1 comment.

javascript html standards css form forms free style elements

Softpress Support (11 November 2013) Smart Quotes

This Action is experimental

15 downloads, 0 comments.

dtp typography quotes

Softpress Support (7 November 2013) Flexible Image

Action Usage:

310 downloads, 6 comments.

Walter Davis (22 October 2013) NoConflict

Add the jQuery noConflict() function to a page that contains both Prototype and jQuery.

79 downloads, 0 comments.

developer javascript prototype scriptaculous jquery

Walter Davis (2 October 2013) Flickrshow

This Action allows you to create an interactive, automatic slideshow from a Flickr end-point. You may use a User ID, a Group number, a Set number, a Gallery ID, or the ID of a person who is shown in a photo. The Flickrshow JavaScript application is written and maintained by Ben Sekulowicz-Barclay. This Action is a thin wrapper around that application, and I encourage you to explore its many other options.

84 downloads, 1 comment.


Softpress Support (27 September 2013) Multiple Form

Freeway automatically generates a form tag that encloses all content on your page when you draw a form item on your page. This means that you can only have one form per page by default (because nested form items are not possible in HTML).

216 downloads, 2 comments.

Walter Davis (16 September 2013) ScriptyFader

Create fading slideshows out of graphics or HTML elements. These elements are loaded when needed, so the page size remains as small as possible. Uses Prototype and Scriptaculous for compatibility with Freeway Pro’s built-in effects.

385 downloads, 17 comments.

javascript css effects prototype scriptaculous

Softpress Support (29 August 2013) Validate Extras

Apply this Action to the page to set a custom message for invalid form items.

79 downloads, 0 comments.

Softpress Support (29 August 2013) Validate

Apply this Action to the form item you want to be validated on submit.

245 downloads, 10 comments.

max fancourt (6 July 2013) WebYep Action

The WebYep Freeway Action Suite has been constructed for designers that want to concentrate on design and don’t want to adopt PHP or deep HTML skills to simply make some pages editable.

594 downloads, 27 comments.

cms commercial forms content management editing html pages client adjustable areas

Walter Davis (29 June 2013) ScriptyInfiniteSlider

Create an image slideshow that animates continuously. Use this element as a page background, or an in-page element, and use it in a responsive or flexible layout, too! The effect will degrade slightly on IE 8 and below, because the images will not resize to the size of the container.

308 downloads, 9 comments.

javascript css effects prototype animation scriptaculous

Walter Davis (28 June 2013) ScriptyLazyLoad

Reduce the page loading time for your graphics-heavy pages. This Action causes all images on your page that are not currently visible on screen (below the fold) to be replaced with the _clear.gif placeholder, so they load instantaneously. Whenever you scroll or resize the browser window, these images are checked again to see if any part of them is visible now, and loaded if necessary.

106 downloads, 0 comments.

javascript css effects server prototype

Paul Dunning (2 May 2013) Spawn New Window

This Action opens a new window when someone clicks on the item to which it has been applied. This achieves the following:

341 downloads, 9 comments.

windows effects new window open link click

Softpress Support (26 April 2013) Table Styler

Use this Action to modernize your tables in Freeway. You can apply different background colors to alternating rows and borders, and set their opacity levels.

149 downloads, 8 comments.

css3 tables styling

Walter Davis (23 April 2013) SVGimage

This Action allows you to use Retina-ready SVG graphics in your Freeway page, while providing a JPEG fallback for elderly browsers.

126 downloads, 21 comments.

html 5 svg

Ian Webb (19 April 2013) Dreamweaver Template Page Title

Places the page title into a Dreamweaver Template editable region

29 downloads, 0 comments.

template Dreamweaver

Mike Brackenridge (13 April 2013) PHP error_reporting

This is an action to set php error_reporting options on your Freeway php pages.

24 downloads, 0 comments.


Walter Davis (4 April 2013) Sticker

This Action allows you to “stick” an element on the screen in an unusual way. If the element is “above the fold”, such that it appears within the browser when the page loads, it stays put there until you scroll the browser window far enough for it to move out of the browser window. Once it reaches that point, it is “stuck” in place 10px below the top of the window, and never appears to move beyond that point.

341 downloads, 8 comments.

javascript css effects prototype scriptaculous

Walter Davis (23 March 2013) GoDaddyHelper

If you are stuck using GoDaddy for hosting, and you are also using the CSS Menus Action, you may have a problem with the Action-provided CSS looking too much like an Apache Include statement. This causes all sorts of havoc on GoDaddy’s not-so-standard servers. This Action, applied to the page, will rewrite any inline CSS to avoid this issue.

34 downloads, 0 comments.

html standards css server

Joe Muscara (21 March 2013) State/Prov List

Creates a popup with a list of US and Canadian States and Provinces on it - for use in Forms, also allows you to select default location that is shown in browser.

48 downloads, 5 comments.


Joe Muscara (21 March 2013) Country List

Creates a popup with a list of countries on it - for use in Forms.

82 downloads, 3 comments.

form forms